Industrial Engineering Professors to Know

Dr. Ahad Ali - Lawrence Technological University

Dr. Ahad Ali is an associate professor within the Department of Industrial Engineering at Lawrence Technological University, where he also serves as the director of both the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Furthermore, he is the director of the Smart Manufacturing and Lean Systems Research Group, and his areas of expertise lie in manufacturing systems, simulation, optimization, lean manufacturing, PLM, supply chain management, and decision support systems.

Dr. Ahmad Sarfaraz - California State University, Northridge

Dr. Ahmad Sarfaraz is a professor within the Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management at California State University, Northridge, where he also serves as the department chair. His current research focuses on operations research, operations management, AHP and fuzzy AHP, and economic analysis. He has authored and co-authored over 30 journal publications, and received the Engineer’s Council Merit Award in both 2002 and 2005.

Dr. Armen Zakarian - University of Michigan at Dearborn

Dr. Armen Zakarian is Professor and Chair of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department at the University of Michigan - Dearborn. His research interests include system engineering, architecting, intelligent design, and manufacturing. He has published papers in journals and proceedings sponsored by the IIE, ASME, IEEE, SAE and INCOSE societies. He has been PI or Co-PI on over 9.9 million in research expenditures and his research work is supported through grants from various federal and private sources including US Army, US Navy, AT&T, FORD Motor Company, General Motors, Visteon and TRW. He has been the recipient of a number of distinctions, including the 2003 Annual International Conference on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Best Paper Award. He created the Virtual Learning Tool software program for which he received special recognition from Governor Granholm of Michigan.

Dr. Bradley Kramer - Kansas State University

Dr. Bradley Kramer serves as the Ike and Letty Evans Engineering Chair, as well as the director of the Advanced Manufacturing Institute. He works within the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Kansas State University, where he has been since 1985. During his career, he has been responsible for more than $24 million in research grants and funding. He has received a host of awards, including the ASEE/Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award, as well as the Ralph Teetor Outstanding Engineering Educator Award.

Dr. Gino J. Lim - University of Houston

Dr. Gino Lim is Professor and Chairman, and Hari and Anjali faculty fellow, in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Houston (UH). He is a fellow with IISE. His research interests are in robust optimization, large-scale optimization models and computational algorithms, Operations Research applications in healthcare, homeland security, and network resiliency. He received multiple awards from INFORMS including the Pierskalla Best Paper award, Moving Spirit Award, and Volunteer Service Award. He has also received the best paper award by IISE energy systems division. His excellence in teaching has been well recognized by receiving five teaching awards at UH. He has published over 100 research articles. His current research projects include radiation treatment planning, network resiliency, power systems, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), emergency evacuation planning and management, and CPU-based high performance computing. He is the program chair for 2017 INFORMS annual conference (Houston, TX). Previously, he served as the chair of Bonder Scholarship committee for healthcare society of INFORMS, a past program chair for 2012 ISERC conference (FL), a member of INFORMS Chapter/Fora, a program Co-Chair of 2013 ISERC doctoral colloquium, an invited sessions chair for INFORMS 2015 conference.

Dr. Harold G. Kaufman - New York University

Dr. Harold Kaufman is a professor within the Department of Technology Management and Innovation within the Tandon School of Engineering at New York University. He is a founding member of the American Society for Engineering Management, and he has also initiated the award-winning Society for Human Resource Management chapter at the school. Additionally, he served as Manpower Editor of the IEEE Engineering Management Review; associate editor and columnist for the IEEE Engineering Management Society Newsletter; and the equal employment chairperson in the Technology and Society Division of the ASME.

Dr. Ikechukwu P. Ohu - Gannon University

At Gannon University, Dr. Ikechukwu Ohu works as an assistant professor of industrial engineering, where he also serves as the program director. He works on projects related to the physical and cognitive ergonomic support of grocery store workers and laparoscopic surgeons, robotics, and computer-integrated manufacturing. He was a 2013-14 fellow of the Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois, and his work has been published in the Journal of Surgical Research and the International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, among other publications.

Dr. Jonathan Bard - University of Texas at Austin

At the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Jonathan Bard serves as a professor of operations research and industrial engineering and holds the Industrial Properties Corporation Fellowship in Engineering, as well. He teaches courses on mathematical modeling, production planning and control, optimization theory, and project management. He is a founding editor of the IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering and currently works on the editorial board for an array of journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and the Journal of Operational Research and Society, among others.

Dr. Julie Drzymalski - Drexel University

Dr. Julie Drzymalski is a clinical professor and program director within the Department of Systems Engineering at Drexel University. Her areas of expertise include supply chain management, project management, and discrete event systems, among others. Notably, she has a wealth of authorship and co-authorship credits across many distinguished publications, including the Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, TinyPulse, and the International Journal of Applied Science and Technology.

Dr. K. Larry Head - University of Arizona

At the University of Arizona, Dr. Head is a professor within the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering, where his research and teaching interests lie in traffic and transportation systems engineering, traffic signal control, microscopic traffic simulation, traffic flow theory, systems engineering methodology, software engineering, communications, and human factors. His work has been published in a number of journals, and he received the 2016 D. Grant Mickle Award for his outstanding paper in operations and maintenance from the Transportation Research Board.

Dr. Kwabena A. Narh - New Jersey Institute of Technology

Dr. Kwabena Narh is a professor within the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he also serves as an associate chair and undergraduate advisor. He’s the director of the NSF-funded NJIT Research Experience for Undergraduates Site and works as the outreach coordinator for the Engineering Research Center for Structured Organic Composites for Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, and Agrochemical Applications. His noteworthy published work can be found in Powder Technology, the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, and the Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, among others.

Dr. Luis Occena - University of Missouri

Serving as an associate professor and department chair within the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at the University of Missouri, Dr. Luis Occena focuses on scalable information and systems integration, product and process design and modeling, and product life cycle management. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, and the Ewing Kauffman Foundation, in addition to numerous corporate sponsors.

Dr. Robert P. Van Til - University of Oakland

Dr. Robert Van Til is the Pawley Professor of Lean Studies within the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Oakland. The courses he teaches include engineering statistics and economic analysis, engineering operations research, robotic systems, flexible and lean manufacturing systems, and lean principles and applications, among others. Some of his most recent work has been published in the International Journal of Industrial Engineering and the International Journal of Industrial Engineering Education, among other well-known journals.

Dr. Steve Dusseau - Indiana Institute of Technology

As a professor within the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at the Indiana Institute of Technology, Dr. Steve Dusseau leads courses on statistical quality analysis, applied probability and statistics, quality control, and statistical methods in quality assurance, among many others. He also has an impressive array of professional experience, including his work in a metallurgical lab with General Motors and as a quality engineer with Wire Rope Corporation of America, Inc.

Dr. Stuart Kellogg - South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

At the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Dr. Stuart Kellogg serves as a professor of industrial engineering, where he leads courses on optimization techniques, commercialization, creativity and innovation, and stochastic models, among others. He has received a significant amount of grant funding, including the Governor’s Award in 2000 and 2002, as well as a $150,000 grant from the NSF in 2007. Dr. Kellogg has received several awards such as the Best Presentation Award in 2008 at the ASEE Rocky Mountain Conference and the Russell Mettler Award in 2001.

Dr. Suzanna Long - Missouri University of Science and Technology

At the Missouri University of Science and Technology, Dr. Suzanna Long serves as an associate professor and interim chair of the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering. Her recent research foci include electric vehicle supply chains; rare earth elements social life cycle analysis; extreme events supply chain modeling; and contingency basing logistics, among others. She has received a wide array of awards, including the 2014 ASEM Meritorious Service Award, the 2012 Edward Smith Faculty Award, and the 2010 Outstanding Paper Award for the Engineering Management Division at the ASEE Annual Conference.


Since there’s a wealth of talented professors of industrial engineering, staff made selections based on specific criteria:

  • Actively teaching - All of the professors on this list are currently teaching.
  • Publications - Along with teaching, these professors have had their work published in influential peer-reviewed publications.
  • Professional affiliation - These educators are affiliated with professional organizations and societies.
  • Work outside of the university - Finally, these professors have served or currently work in additional capacities outside of the university in the field of industrial engineering.