Online Engineering Schools in Louisiana
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As the engineering industry continues to grow in Louisiana and throughout the nation, more individuals are choosing to pursue a career in this field.
First, there is an abundance of professional organizations which offer members benefits such as continuing education, member advocacy, discounts on common occupational expenses, scholarly journals and newsletters, and other resources. Here is a handful of the professional engineering societies that exist in Louisiana: the Louisiana Engineering Society, the American Society of Civil Engineers – Louisiana Section, and the Audio Engineering Society – University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Second, there is expected to be ample job growth in engineering in coming years, which can translate into higher job security. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (May 2016) reported that there were 31,590 architecture and engineering professionals in the state; Projections Central (2017) added that the following subfields of the discipline would be among the fastest growing in Louisiana between 2014 and 2024:
- Materials engineering – 34.2 percent growth in Louisiana positions, 2014-24
- Computer hardware engineering – 21 percent
- Environmental engineering – 19 percent
- Computer programmers – 18.6 percent
- Chemical engineering – 15.5 percent
Interestingly, all of these projected growth figures were much higher than the national projections (BLS Oct. 2016):
- Materials engineering – 1.3 percent growth in national positions, 2014-24
- Computer hardware engineering – 3.1 percent
- Environmental engineering – 12.4 percent
- Computer programmers – -8 percent
- Chemical engineering – 1.8 percent
Nationally, the subfields adding the highest absolute numbers of jobs were:
- Civil engineering – 305,000 new positions by 2024
- Mechanical engineering – 292,100
- Industrial engineering – 243,200
- Electrical engineering – 180,200
- Electronics engineering – 135,500
Notably, engineers in Louisiana and beyond receive an extremely competitive salary compared to other occupations in the state. In fact, the BLS (May 2016) found that the average salary for all engineers and architectural professionals in LA was $83,800, whereas the average wage for all occupations was only $41,260. Furthermore, some types of LA-based engineers earned much more such as materials engineers, who garnered an average annual salary of $110,400.
Overall, many aspiring engineers are attracted to the profession for the prospects of relatively high job security (i.e., employment growth) and lucrative salaries. Of course, prior to becoming an engineer, it’s necessary to complete a formal education program—typically at least a bachelor’s degree. Some students choose traditional, brick-and-mortar campus experiences, but there’s a growing array of online programs as well, which can be excellent options for students living far away from colleges campuses or have scheduling constraints which don’t allow them to visit a physical campus several times per week. In short, distance-based programs can offer a generous amount of flexibility while still providing a high-quality education.
This guide includes an overview of various online engineering programs in Louisiana and expected coursework, as well as a few renowned professors who teach courses at schools offering online degrees.
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ECPI University | Mechatronics (Associate's) | Visit Site |
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Ohio University | Online MS - Electrical Engineering (MSEE) | Visit Site |
Ohio University | Online MSCE - Civil Engineering | Visit Site |
Arizona State University | Electrical Engineering (BSE) | Visit Site |
Arizona State University | Mechanical Engineering (BSE) | Visit Site |
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