Online Engineering Programs in Nevada

Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Engineering

Although there are currently no online bachelor’s degree programs in engineering in Nevada, there are programs in nearby states offered online which admit students from the state:

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering – Arizona State University

Arizona State University located in Tempe offers an online bachelor of science (B.S.) in electrical engineering. ASU’s award-winning faculty integrate the fundamental courses with practical real-world experience in an online environment. Courses include integrated labs which incorporate knowledge of practical hardware with industry-standard design and simulation tools to enhance one’s skills for today’s engineering environment. The program requires completion of 120 credits. The cost of full-time tuition and fees for the academic year is $15,038 or $717 per credit, excluding additional fees. Notably, this online degree program is ABET-accredited. Courses include physics, the principles of programming, the fundamentals of electromagnetics, circuits, and signals and systems, among others. For more information on admission requirements and other engineering degrees, contact (866) 591-0278.

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering – Arizona State University

Nearby Arizona State University also offers an online bachelor of science (B.S.) in software engineering. The degree program uses engaged hands-on learning and discovery-based education to increase professional skills in teamwork, critical thinking, and communication. The program requires completion of 120 credits. The cost of full-time tuition and fees for the academic year is $15,038 and again, individual credits cost $717. This distance-based degree program is also ABET-accredited. Courses include the principles of programming, calculus for engineers, engineering statistics, principles of database management, and web-based applications and mobile systems, among many others.

Online Master’s Degrees in Engineering

Again, as of November 2017, there were no online master’s degrees in engineering from Nevada’s institutions of higher education, but here are two nearby programs which admit Nevada students:

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering – University of Arizona

The University of Arizona in Tucson offers an online master of science (M.S.) in industrial engineering. The program is 100 percent online and built to develop skills for manufacturing operations and the supervision of high-tech production processes. The program consists of 36 credits and costs $1,149 per credit-hour for all students, regardless of residence. Courses allow the flexibility of focusing on areas that best support each student’s professional goals and can include classes such as quality engineering; law for engineers & scientists; technical sales and marketing; simulation modeling and analysis; the fundamentals of optimization; and traffic modeling and simulation, among several others. Additionally, students must choose between three paths: completing a hands-on project, assembling and defending a thesis, or completing additional coursework. Program admissions requirements include holding a minimum 3.0 GPA in previous academic coursework; being a graduate of an accredited engineering bachelor’s program or a degree in a related discipline such as math or physics; and showing proof of specific prerequisite coursework. For more information, please call (888) 658-2042.

Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering – University of Arizona

The University of Arizona also offers an online master of science (M.S.) in electrical and computer engineering, which could be a great choice for employed engineers wanting to enter a more design-oriented role. The program is 100 percent online and is flexible, allowing students choices to fulfill the 30 required credits. Areas of focus range from high-performance computing to holography and diffractive optics. The cost for this program is $995 per credit-hour for all students regardless of residence. Courses may include software engineering concepts; knowledge-system engineering; advanced topics in computer networks; computer architecture and design; and radar signal processing, among several others.

Other Online Engineering Programs in Nevada

Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Criticality Safety – University of Nevada, Las Vegas

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas offers a graduate certificate in nuclear criticality safety. The program requires 12 credit hours and is completely online. Classes include the introduction to nuclear criticality safety; nuclear criticality safety engineering; and monte carlo methods in nuclear engineering. Students must also complete three credits of an advisor-approved graduate-level nuclear engineering or health physics course. The cost-per-credit is $269 for Nevada residents plus fees.

Graduate Certificate in Renewable Energy – University of Nevada, Reno

The University of Nevada, Reno offers an online graduate certificate in renewable energy. The program requires completion of 12 credit-hours and is completely online. Student choose four classes from a selection, including alternative energy fundamentals; renewable energy policy; renewable energy in the local community & home; wind energy; principles of sustainability for business applications; solar and renewable energy utilization; geology of geothermal energy resources; fundamentals of biofuels; communicating innovation; and environmental law. The cost per credit is $269 for Nevada residents plus fees. For more information, please call (775) 682-7774.

Online Engineering Programs – What to Consider

Prospective engineering students in Nevada need to examine several factors when considering an online engineering degree. These include the quality of the teaching staff, the quality of the education offered, the total cost of the program, the institution’s reputability, the time required to complete the degree, and other variables.

Since online learning requires substantially more independence than traditional, on-campus degree programs, students pursuing an online engineering program should consider:

  • What is the full cost of the program?
  • Are there scholarships available?
  • Do online students have in-state status?
  • Is the program authorized to operate in Nevada?
  • What is the estimated completion time for full-time students?
  • Can the program be completed on a part-time basis and is there a limit to how long completion of coursework can take?
  • Can online classes be viewed at the student’s convenience or are there specific times set aside for live lectures?
  • Are students able to complete practical experience credits near where they live?
  • Does any work need to be completed on campus?

In addition to the above questions, aspiring students should determine their program’s accreditation and state authorization statuses before making a final decision.


Accreditation means that a program has met certain quality standards set forth by an accrediting agency. In order receive accreditation, a school must meet a number of requirements such as strong student outcomes; the availability of student services; having a high-quality education; and graduating responsible students who understand their professional and ethical responsibility to meet the needs of the citizens of Nevada and beyond. Therefore, accreditation is an indicator of academic quality. As a student, graduation from an accredited program may be required in order to qualify for certain graduate programs, certifications, or employment opportunities.

Since not all accrediting organizations are the same, aspiring students should seek out programs which have been accredited by an organization approved by the U.S. Department of Education’s Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). In addition, students should understand that accreditation is available through different organizations on a programmatic, national, and regional level. Here is a list of prominent organizations that accredit online engineering programs in Nevada:

National accreditation

Regional accreditation

Programmatic accreditation

State Authorization

Students in Nevada are only eligible to enroll in online engineering programs that have been authorized to operate NV. Also, some online engineering programs in other states may not provide admissions to non-residents, or have differing tuition for residents and nonresidents. All online students should carefully examine state policies (e.g., University of Nevada, Reno) before applying to any programs or contact program coordinators to ensure out-of-state eligibility.

Admissions Requirements for Online Engineering Programs

Admissions requirements differ from university to university and program to program. Here are some typical admissions requirements for online engineering programs:

  • Official high school or college transcripts with at least the minimum cumulative GPA
  • Completion of specific coursework such as calculus-based physics, chemistry, geometry, etc.
  • Personal statement or letter of purpose
  • Official SAT/ACT test scores for bachelor’s programs
  • Official score reports from the GRE, the GMAT, or the MAT for graduate programs
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Completion of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
  • Application fee
  • TOEFL test scores (for applicants whose first language isn’t English)

Online Engineering Professors in Nevada

Dr. William Patrick Arnott – University of Nevada, Reno

Dr. William Arnott is a professor in the online engineering department at the University of Nevada, Reno. He has more than two decades of experience teaching both undergraduate and graduate level physics and atmospheric science courses. He is currently the director of the undergraduate atmospheric science program at the university. Dr. Arnott has conducted research involving innovative instruments for particulate air pollution measurements in the atmosphere. His postdoctoral research involved the use of environmentally friendly gases such as helium to cool refrigerators.

Dr. Mariana Eneva – University of Nevada, Reno

Dr. Eneva teaches online classes such as the fundamentals of alternative energy at the University of Nevada, Reno. She is experienced in the fields of geophysics, earthquake seismology, hydroacoustics, remote sensing, and geothermal energy. She is a CEO of Imageair Inc. and is currently working on projects funded by the California Energy Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy. Her past projects have been funded by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey. Notably, Dr. Eneva was previously a senior staff scientist at Science Applications International Corporation, where she was involved in research related to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. She has extensive international experience, including work as a research seismologist in Canada, South Africa, and her native Bulgaria. In addition to her research, she has a passion for projects benefiting low-income community members. Because of this, she was awarded the 2017 Helping Hands/Phenomenal Community Member Award in Nevada.

Dr. Ravi Subramanian – University of Nevada, Reno

Dr. Ravi Subramanian is an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno. He earned his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Notre Dame and is an expert in alternate energy and materials. With more than ten years of experience, his research interests include solar energy materials synthesis; energy storage systems; fuel cell catalysts; the characterization and application of photoactive materials; and clean fuel production, paying thought to environmental remediation concerns, as well. He’s a popular mentor of graduate students and has many influential publications to his name. Notably, he serves as the graduate director in chemical engineering; the director of the SOLAR Lab; and the solar energy thrust coordinator at UNR’s Renewable Energy Center.