Online Engineering Schools in North Dakota

Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Engineering in ND

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering – University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota (UND) located in Grand Forks offers an online bachelor of science (B.S.) in chemical engineering. A degree in chemical engineering can offer opportunities to work in teaching, research and development, marketing, sales, manufacturing, project engineering, or management. Courses include the fundamentals of chemistry, an introduction to chemical engineering, engineering statistics and the design of experiments, an introduction to transport phenomena, thermodynamics and kinetics, and many more. The program requires completion of 133 credits. Everything can be completed online through recorded lectures, except for brief, on-campus labs during the summer. Labs are offered in a condensed format requiring 5-14 days on campus depending on the amount of lab credits. This program is designed to allow students to continue working while earning an online degree. It can take six or more part-time years to complete. The cost-per-credit is $383 regardless of residence plus additional fees. Notably, the degree is accredited by ABET. For more information on admission requirements and other engineering degrees email or call (800) Call-UND or (701) 777-3000.

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering – University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota (UND) also offers an online B.S. in civil engineering. A degree in civil engineering can offer opportunities to work in construction, research, management, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, site development and more. Courses include an introduction to civil engineering and sustainable design, general surveying, earth dynamics and introduction to geology, fluid mechanics, soil mechanics, hydraulic engineering, and many more. The program requires 134 credits and similar to the program above, everything can be completed online through recorded lectures except for brief, on-campus labs during the summer. The cost-per-credit is $383 regardless of residence plus additional fees. The degree is also accredited by ABET.

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering – University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota (UND) also offers an online bachelor of science in electrical engineering. A degree in electrical engineering can offer opportunities to work in telecommunications, semiconductors, bioengineering, education and research, transportation, energy and electrical power, and more. Courses include an introduction to digital electronics, circuit analysis, computer-aided measurements and controls, linear electric circuits, embedded systems, and many others. The program requires completion of 125 credits and similar to the programs above, requires brief, on-campus visits for summer lab sessions. It can take six or more part-time years to complete. The cost per credit of this ABET-accredited degree is $383 regardless of residence.

UND also offers an online degree in mechanical engineering which requires 129 credits and is run in the same format as the three above degrees.

Online Master’s Degrees in Engineering

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering – University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota (UND) in Grand Forks offers an online master of science in electrical engineering (MSEE). The program is 100 percent online through independent study. The degree allows a strong emphasis on research in many areas including applied electromagnetics, biomedical device design, power electronics, renewable energy systems, and smart grid modeling, among others. This ABET-accredited M.S. in electrical engineering can prepare graduates for doctoral studies as well as careers in private industry and government. The program requires completion of 32 credits and takes two years to finish. The cost per credit is $383. Admissions requirements include having a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering or a related field and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 with a GPA of 3.0 for the last two years of the program. For more information on admission requirements and other engineering degrees email or call (800) Call-UND or (701) 777-3000.

Master of Software Engineering – North Dakota State University

North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND offers an online master of software engineering (. Software engineering focuses on methodologies, tools, and techniques to manage the total software cycle, including development of specifications, design, requirements, testing, and maintenance. The degree can take one, two or five years to complete, depending on the student’s choice. The program is 100 percent online. It’s worth adding that students with enough experience and knowledge can test out of courses for credit. The program requires 36 credits in areas such as software project planning and estimation, software requirements definition and analysis, software design, a survey of artificial intelligence, and software complexity metrics, among others. For all online and distance education programs, students are billed at the North Dakota resident rate of $353 per credit. For more information on admission and program requirements, contact NDSU’s Department of Computer Science at (701) 231-8562.

Other Online Engineering Programs in ND

Software Engineering Graduate Certificate – North Dakota State University

North Dakota State University offers a distance-based software engineering graduate certificate, which requires credit-hours and is 100 percent online. For all online and distance education programs, students are billed at the North Dakota resident rate of $353 per credit. Classes include a prerequisite of software development process, plus required courses in software design, software testing and debugging, and others. A graduate seminar in a software engineering area as approved by a student’s advisor is also required. Additionally, students must complete an extensive project as a capstone experience. For more information contact NDSU’s Department of Computer Science at (701) 231-8562.

Online Graduate Certificate in Environmental Engineering – University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota in Grand Forks offers online graduate certificate in environmental engineering. It offers a unique combination of chemical, civil, and geological engineering as they relate to the environment. The certificate focuses on environmental engineering issues with air, water, and solids. The program requires completion of nine credits and is 100 percent online through recorded lectures. It takes one year to complete. Courses include advanced environmental engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, geology, or geological engineering. The cost per credit is $383 regardless of residence plus additional fees. Admission requirements include having a B.S. from an ABET-accredited engineering program in chemical, environmental, civil, or geological engineering and a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or at least 3.0 for the last two years. A GPA of 3.0 is required to earn the certificate. For more information on admission requirements and other engineering degrees email or call (800) Call-UND or (701) 777-3000.

Online Engineering Programs – What to Consider

Prospective engineering students have several things to consider when pursuing an online engineering degree. These include the quality of the education, the length and cost of the program, accreditation, the institution’s reputation, and other variables. Since online learning requires substantially more independence than traditional, on-campus degree programs, students pursuing an online engineering program should consider:

  • Is the student an independent learner?
  • What is the cost of the program?
  • Are there scholarships available?
  • Do online students have in-state status?
  • Is the program authorized to operate in North Dakota? (see “state authorization” section below)
  • What is the estimated completion time for full or part-time students?
  • Can the program be completed on a part-time basis and is there a limit to how long completion of coursework can take?
  • Are there any on-campus requirements that need to be met?
  • What large projects may be involved?

In addition to the above questions, aspiring students should determine their program’s accreditation and state authorization statuses before making a final decision.


Accreditation means that a program has met certain quality standards set forth by an accrediting agency. In order to receive accreditation, a school must meet a number of quality requirements in terms of student outcomes, services, educators, and rigorous academic objectives. Accreditation is essentially an indicator of academic quality. As a student, graduation from an accredited program may be required in order to qualify for certain graduate programs, certifications, or employment opportunities.

Since not all accrediting organizations are the same, aspiring students should seek out programs which have been accredited by an organization approved by the U.S. Department of Education’s Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). In addition, students should understand that accreditation is available through different organizations on a programmatic, national, and regional level. Here are the accreditation entities which operate within ND:

National accreditation

Regional accreditation

Programmatic accreditation

State Authorization

Students in North Dakota are only eligible to enroll in online engineering programs that have been authorized to operate ND. Also, some online engineering programs in other states may not provide admissions to non-residents, or have differing tuition for residents and nonresidents. Online students should carefully examine state policies (e.g., North Dakota State University) before applying to any programs and be sure to contact program coordinators to ensure out-of-state eligibility.

Admissions Requirements – Online Engineering Schools in ND

Admission requirements differ by state and institution. Engineering students must contact the specific program of interest to find out the exact requirements and admission/completion deadlines for that program. Typical admission requirements for online engineering programs include submitting the following:

  • Completed application and fees
  • Official high school or college transcripts with at least the minimum cumulative GPA
  • Official SAT/ACT test scores for bachelor’s programs, or GRE scores for graduate programs
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Completion of the FAFSA
  • Completion of course prerequisites
  • Required essays

Online Engineering Professors in ND

Dr. Frank Bowman – University of North Dakota

Dr. Frank Bowman is an associate professor in the chemical engineering department at the University of North Dakota. He holds a bachelor of science in chemical engineering from Brigham Young University and a PhD in chemical engineering from the California Institute of Technology. His areas of expertise include organic aerosol partitioning, atmospheric aerosols, air quality modeling, assessment of student learning, and educational technology. Notably, he is a member of the American Association for Aerosol Research, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Daba Gedafa, P.E. – University of North Dakota

Dr. Daba Gedafa is an associate professor in the civil engineering department of the University of North Dakota. He earned a bachelor of science in civil engineering from Addis Ababa University. He went on to earn a masters of technology in transportation systems engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, and a PhD in transportation and materials engineering from Kansas State University. His work includes several large-scale projects including the field verification of KDOT’s Superpave Mixture Properties to be used as inputs in the AASHTO Mechanistic Design Guide for Pavement Structure; a verification of mechanistic-empirical design models for flexible pavements through APT testing; and the implementation of the rolling wheel deflectometer for pavement structural data, among others.

Dr. Saleh Faruque – University of North Dakota

Dr. Saleh Faruque is a professor of wireless communications in the electrical engineering department at the University of North Dakota. He earned a bachelor of science in physics from Dhaka University in East Pakistan in 1969, a masters in applied physics in 1970, and an M.S. and PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He is a recipient of the U.S. Fulbright Scholarship as well as the “outstanding professor of the year” award in 2007 and 2011. He has over 20 years of experience in telecom industries, 19 patents, and has published five books and more than 90 papers. His research interests include wireless communications, laser communication, and channel coding and modulation, among other subjects.